
Impact100 Atlanta

Impact100 Atlanta is a diverse group of women committed to improving our community by collectively funding transformational grants to make a high impact and sustainable difference in Metro Atlanta. Although Impact100 is new to the Atlanta community, Impact100 Atlanta joins more than 70 sister chapters worldwide embracing the local collective giving model of Impact100.

Together, we will make a sustainable impact in our community, one transformational grant at a time.

The Impact100 Model

The Impact100 model was created by Wendy Steele in 2001 in Cincinnati in response to feeling as though women’s roles in philanthropy needed a new way to be expanded and encouraged. The model is designed to empower women to see themselves as philanthropists and overcome the barriers women have historically faced in this arena. The Impact100 model is designed for transformational grant-making within local communities, with a minimum grant size of $100,000. The concept is simple, but profound.

  • Three women icon At Least 100 Women Come Together
  • Hands holding 1K Each Woman Donates $1,000
  • House $100K $100,000 is donated to a Local Charity
Become a Member

How it Works

The annual $1,000 donation of each Impact100 Atlanta member is pooled together with the donations of other members to create a grant fund to be given away to nonprofit organizations serving the Metro Atlanta area. Impact100 Atlanta has no paid staff, so 100% of each member’s annual contribution of $1,000 goes directly into the grant pool with no deductions for overhead or administrative costs.

The number and size of grants awarded each year are dependent on our membership, but our goal is to give incremental grants of $100,000 annually. Grant amounts are announced in the Spring at The Big Reveal event, commencing our grants cycle. Nonprofit finalists are chosen by grant committees through a competitive application process, and grants are awarded based on a membership vote at our annual meeting. Every woman who gives $1,000 or more has one vote.


Focus Areas

We provide nonprofit organizations with grants in increments of at least $100,000 across five broad Focus Areas:

  • Paintbrush iconArts & Culture
  • Graduates cap iconEducation
  • Family iconFamily
  • Doctor's bag iconHealth & Wellness
  • Planet iconEnvironment, Preservation & Recreation

Apply for a Grant

Our History

The vision to start Impact100 Atlanta began in January 2021, when Founding President Sarah Levitt was inspired by her mother and grandmother’s long-standing involvement in their Impact100 chapter. On the official launch day in February 2022, Laurie (Snowden) Sheehan (also 3rd generation Impact100) serendipitously reached out and quickly joined as Founding Membership Chair. Together, they built the infrastructure and enlisted the assistance of other amazing women in the community to create a supportive Board of Directors. This enabled the Impact100 Atlanta dream to become a reality. Impact100 Atlanta strives to empower a diverse local group of women of all ages, stages in life, income levels, and backgrounds to come together and fund transformational grants of $100,000 in the greater Metro Atlanta area.

For more information about how Impact100 started, see our Global story.

Join Impact

Board Members

  • Sherrhonda Roach
    Sherrhonda Roach
  • Sarah Levitt
    Sarah Levitt
    Immediate Past President
  • Laurie Sheehan
    Laurie Sheehan
    Vice President
  • Michelle Kale Gilfillan
    Michelle Kale Gilfillan
  • Emily Kallos
    Emily Kallos
    Recording Secretary
  • Sarah Greenwell
    Sarah Greenwell
    Membership Engagement Chair
  • Meg Bender
    Meg Bender
    Membership Recruitment Chair
  • Jill Henry
    Jill Henry
    Grants Chair (Nonprofit Liaison)
  • MacKenzie Brandt
    MacKensie Brandt
    Grants Chair (Focus Areas)
  • Allison Anderson
    Allison Anderson
    Grant Finance Chair
  • OPEN
    Grant Focus Area Chair - Arts & Culture
  • Margaret Brackett
    Margaret Brackett
    Grant Focus Area Chair - Education
  • Aisha Arbuckle
    Aisha Arbuckle
    Grant Focus Area Chair - Family
  • Alpa Patel
    Alpa Patel
    Grant Focus Area Chair - Health and Wellness
  • Jennifer Tardelli
    Jennifer Tardelli
    Grant Focus Area Chair - Environment, Preservation and Recreation
  • Cathy Tilman
    Cathy Tilman
    Events Chair
  • Lisa Lemke
    Lisa Lemke
    Corporate Sponsorship Chair
  • Connie Culbreath
    Connie Culbreath
    Governance Chair
  • Winifred Akande
    Winifred Akande
    Financial Oversight Chair
  • Tammi Ryley
    Tammi Ryley
    Strategic Communications Chair
  • Vanessa Benz
    Vanessa Benz
    Internal Communications Chair
  • Mandi Oeland
    Mandi Oeland
    Digital Marketing Co-Chair
  • Marlena Smith
    Marlena Smith
    Digital Marketing Co-Chair
  • OPEN
    Technology Chair